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randy newman sucks

a while back (in the heat of the moment), i saw a jerry lewis-esque show on public tv for the gulf coast victims of hurrican katrina.

first off, i gotta say how much i hate shows like this. put famous people on tv for 3 minutes at a time to make it seem like they care. wow. i'm moved. these celebs are going to forget the name of the hurricane they sang and did serious skits about under spotlights and stage fog in a month.

and if they wanted to make a difference, why aren't they rebuilding houses? oh that's right... that would mean they have to SPEND money instead of MAKE it by appearing on television. (i realize it's a "non-profit appearance" and they don't get paid for doing the song and dance, but they get more recognition, which sells more cds, dvds, t-shirts and coffee mugs.)

back to the original topic... randy newman really does just sing about what's in front of his face. i can't imagine his "creative process" being more than him, a piano, a pen and notepad, and a chair that swivels in all directions so newman can simply view his surroundings.

the following is more than a snippet from his opening song for this show, in fact, it's almost the entire song;

clouds roll in from the north and it starts to rain
rain real hard and rain for real long time
six feet of water in the streets of a evangeline
river rose all day river rose all night
some people got lost in the floodsome people made it out alright


they're tryin to wash us away
they're tryin to wash us away

i won't even get to the part where he sings about "little fat man" coolidge.

i hope it goes to cd so people can compare it to william hung.

You truly are observant! Paying such close attention to a song that's right in front of your face! The song is called "Louisiana *1927*" for a reason, and Newman ain't that old. Did you think he'd personally met Coolidge? Jesus.

Randy Newman is famous for inhabiting obnoxious characters and writing songs from their perspective. He RARELY writes about himself. "Political Science": someone who wants to drop the bomb. "Sail Away": a slave trader. "Rednecks": a bigot from the South, exposing the bigotry of the North. "Old Man": a young man watching his atheist Dad die.

You've got to get out more-- and try watching something other than "Family Guy."

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