Friday, March 31, 2006


wow... i just realized why people complain about how much sex is everywhere.

i hate to be part of the conservative crowd. i REALLY hate to be part of the conservative crowd.

but i realized one thing tonight.

i realized i've never thought that there was too much sex everywhere b/c i am sex desensitizing.

i actually felt like there was too much sex on tv.

smallville, the salt of the television earth, was brimming with it. the sexy vixen had seduced clark kent. [adam and eve-esque]

that show actually discouraged premarital sex in one episode.

there are definitely images in my mind that don't render purity thoughts.

so then there's conan. talk show. should be safe, right? i watched it to find out about josh hartnet's plug for a new movie.

that was safe and pretty entertaining. then came out paget brewster.

i've been trying to say this tactfully... that was one annoying broad.

she came out, sat down, didn't even wait for conan to welcome her on the show and asks, "SHOULD I POSE FOR PLAYBOY?!?"

freakin' annoying celebrities, man... don't they get enough attention???

that put me over the edge.

i deleted that recording and played a nova episode (PBS) about autonomous vehicles. i was pretty entertained.

there was no sex on the public television episode of nova.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

my starvation

i fasted yesterday.

i wasn't sure if i was going to, but the second i woke up, with all the grogginess, that one thought come through loud and clear.

"today is the day you're going to fast."

so i did.

i woke up, i prayed, i fell asleep. i woke up, i prayed, i laid in bed, i fell asleep. it was pretty good.

so when i finally got out of bed (it was about noon), i prayed more and read and just generally sat around and thought.

then i had to go to work... this is where i get all my snacking in for the day.

and charlie said that the hunger pains were a reminder to pray. so, needless to say, i prayed a lot during my usual snack time.

when it finally came time to eat, i was ready for my two boca burgers.

here's the thing... i pretty much only skipped one meal and some snacks.

granted, i'm a snacker. and i don't eat three big meals, i just constantly graze a few little meals throughout the day, BUT...

i did feel hungry. and i felt different. it was a constant reminder of who i am and what i'm doing.

i never understood why fasting was held in such high regard. now i get it.

i always knew it was more than just being hungry. but i never fully understood the meaning behind it and the spiritual discipline that came along with it.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

one theory

here's my theory on love.

it's something i've thought for a while, and i'm just gonna post it instead of talk to individuals...

love multiplies itself. and the more you give away, the more you have.

here's the explanation...

say your heart holds 100 "units" of love.

now you find someone you want to show love to, and you give away 20 of these love units.

how many units do you have left?

logic tells us, 80.

not so with love. you'll still have, at bare minimum, 100 units. it's just that the other person now has 20 MORE units than they started off with.

loving people does not take away from you. it only gives more to everyone else.

some people are going to hate me for this

i found out today at work that it only takes about 6 seconds to kill a spider in the microwave.

a daddy longlegs went to daddy one leg in a very short amount of time.

it was totally my brother's idea, and then after i did it, he told me i was the worst person alive for doing that.

it's just a spider. not like a kitten or anything that people actually like...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

in case you were curious...

cuz i was...


it's just an analogy

i don't drink soda.

that's not an entirely true statement.

i drink soda... just only one or two a week.

so last weekend, i wanted decaf coffee at nexus. (this stems from the 'no soda clause' previously mentioned). well, we had a minor fiasco with the decaf at nexus, so i didn't get any.

i had explained to kevin that i wanted decaf b/c i can't drink a caffeinated drink that late at night. i get the jitters.

so i ended up drinking a mountain dew.

did my actions follow my words? no. clearly not.

but kevin pointed it out. "don't want caffeine, huh?"

yeah... about that...

i'm a hypocrite sometimes.

so i wasn't up all night b/c of a can of mountain dew. and my bones aren't any more brittle or closer to osteoporosis b/c of the caffeine intake. but i did go back on my word.

not a big deal with soda, but with major life issues... "i'm saving sex for marriage." oops. that's a big deal.

people see that. and instead of someone thinking, "there's a guy who slipped up. i feel for him." they think, "there's a guy who can't be trusted. he says one thing, and does another."

i think too many times mistakes are seen as ways of life in people when really all they need is a little support and love.

*author's note: [kevin, i'm not saying you did anything wrong. i'm just making an analogy. we don't need to talk about this.]

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


so i caught some flack for being a girl in that last post...

there. i'm a man again.

Monday, March 06, 2006

in other news...

i've kind of been avoiding this blog for a little while now.

i'm not sure who even reads this, but i know a few of you who do, and to be honest, it makes me nervous to wonder what your reaction might be...

but since some of you are asking, here goes...

sarah claus is my girlfriend. we've been spending a lot of time together for the past few months, and last sunday, feb. 26, we made it official.

this is by far the silliest blog i've done yet b/c it just feels so high school. "oooh, we're going steady!" that's not even high school... that's jr. high gossip.

i guess i just wanted to clear it up so i don't get anymore, "what are you guys? are you dating? is she your girlfriend?" and my all-time favorite... "are you guys just 'talking' or what???"

to that i say... all of the above. whatever you wanna call it, we're it.