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how it should possibly be

i have to give it to granger's executive pastor, tim stevens.

here is a perfectly good example of someone recreating a popular sermon (almost down to the same imagery), yet mr. stevens gives them credit!

now, the creative team might feel differently. think if you created an awesome advertising campaign on a taboo topic (the shock value is already there, and advertisers are already programmed to look for the 'different' and 'illicit'), and then someone a few hundred miles away does almost the exact same thing about a year later.

i imagine that i wouldn't take that news too well.

...unless i had a leader like this that reminds me that we're all on the same team. they say that imitation is the highest form of flattery.


i don't like having my ideas ripped off.

think about this... if you invented roller blades, and then a month later you see kids riding around on roller blades of someone else's design.

that's disappointing.

but tim stevens didn't use that old cliche' yet he was still very nurturing.

his attitude wasn't one of selfish jealousy to be the first kid on the block with a sex billboard. and i think i could follow suit with that.

the way he approaches this brings up something in my mind that i know, but i easily forget.

we are on the same team. so why waste time bickering when there are lost to be found?