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jesus loves porn stars

that's not what most people would expect a christian to say.

we've gotten a lot of bad publicity over the years and i don't know that our bad rap will ever be set straight.

i know i've plugged them before on this blog, but i'll do it again and again...

the guys at xxxchurch.com are some of the coolest guys around. they epitomize what i think a christian should be.

they stand firm on what they believe in, but they don't think less of someone if they believe differently.
they get flak from both sides - people who say there's nothing wrong with porn, and people who say jesus does hate.
i know they've given away so much and sacrificed parts of their lives (one of them used to run their merch warehouse out of his garage).

but mostly, they just do what christians should do. they talk to people. they treat non-christians like a fellow human being. and they tell everyone that God loves them. it's a simple message that should be easy to understand.

but not everything that's simple is easily digestible.