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leadership schmeadership

i'm recognizing a trend here...

everyone seems to be talking about leadership these days.

i don't know if i'm supposed to be taking this all in and figuring out how to be a leader, or if everyone else is just obsessed with power.

i'm leaning towards the latter. mostly due to work experiences. everyone that comes to work here says right away, "i wanna be a supervisor!" and, given enough time, everyone gets their chance.

and blows it.

then there's all the talk about leadership in the church. how can we all be preached at to be leaders? what if we all want to be leaders? if we all ended up like the leaders at work, nothing would get done. we would just end up telling everyone to do tasks that we ourselves don't think we're above.

now, i know everyone is probably a leader of some sort in certain ways. fathers can be leaders in their families. a woman can be a leader of a small group. a guitarist/vocalist can be the leader of a band.

but why all the hub-ub about leadership? where's all the hype for servitude?

isn't that what we're called to do? i remember a few stories of leadership, but more about serving.

normally, this wouldn't bother me so much. but it's finally gotten to the point where it feels like everyone is talking about leading so much that i feel guilty for wanting to serve more than lead.

and i need to come to a conclusion... do i feel strongly about this because i'm not leading? and does that mean that i should be a leader, or promote serving more?

i'm unsure. (but like i said, i'm leaning more towards serving.)

i guess that shows how great my decision-making skillz are... what a great leader i am already!
