to paraphase...
"i'm tired. so tired. tired of havin' sex. so tired."
i feel that way... maybe not in the literal sense, but at least in the paraphrased sense...
i'm tired of impurity in my life. i'm tired of the attacks on my soul to make me slip and hit my chin in the dirt.
there are obsticles in life that seem impassable. and there are paths on earth that can't be traveled.
but in life's journey, every obsticle can be removed. -Possessing faith the size of a mustard seed, they shall say to the mountains: "Be removed and cast into the sea."
have faith and believe that your mountains will be removed. and if faith moves mountains, it will remove the root you keep triping on.
"i'm tired. so tired. tired of havin' sex. so tired."
i feel that way... maybe not in the literal sense, but at least in the paraphrased sense...
i'm tired of impurity in my life. i'm tired of the attacks on my soul to make me slip and hit my chin in the dirt.
there are obsticles in life that seem impassable. and there are paths on earth that can't be traveled.
but in life's journey, every obsticle can be removed. -Possessing faith the size of a mustard seed, they shall say to the mountains: "Be removed and cast into the sea."
have faith and believe that your mountains will be removed. and if faith moves mountains, it will remove the root you keep triping on.