Sunday, January 29, 2006

see how much Christians can love?

i don't even know this person (it was one of those "friend of a friend" deals), and admittedly, i haven't read this entire entry, but just enough to feel angry and saddened.

this is supposedly how a Christian shows love?

yeah, i could go on for a while here on how much more harm than good this person is doing (it's just adam blaming eve). but i won't.

the big picture here is that too often, Christians struggle with something, and instead of just owning up to their own human vices, they talk down to others and make judgments on people who probably just need acceptance.

you'll never change anyone by telling them how bad they are. but you can have an effect on someone just by loving them for who they are, and what they do.

in the process, maybe both parties will end up changed for the better. (instead of just one sinner kicking sand in the face of another sinner)

Friday, January 27, 2006

you're not gonna believe this...

right after blogging that last entry, i took a shower.

i took a shower b/c i needed to go to wal-mart and buy more (yes *MORE*) carpet cleaner and rags before i could clean all the mess from millie.

while i was in the shower, i heard millie run to the door of my apartment and bark.

i just assumed my neighbor came home for lunch like she does every day around noon.

a minute later, i heard my bathroom door shut. (i never shut my bathroom door... one of the many perks to living alone)

i was hoping millie just shut it looking for a toy or something. i realize now how naive that was.

so i get out of the shower a minute later and i heard my g'ma talking to millie.


words can't describe...

i was angry.

and then there's me in a towel, and i look into my living room, and there she is on her hands and knees scrubbing doggy diarrhea. i remained as calm as i could and asked her what she was doing here. she lifted up about three different cleaning products and told me she was cleaning.

so i asked how she got in. "was my door locked???" this was her exact response, "no it wasn't! ugh, yeah, it was locked... no!" so who knows what that means... she's got a key to my apartment and only lives 30 yards away (if that).

that's when i childishly slammed my door and yelled, "I'M MOVING TO PEORIA!"

it's kind of ironic i had just told her yesterday that i was moving to peoria, and then today, she gave me reason to move there.

so, remember how my dog is sick???

my uncle is having all his properties appraised. so an appraiser had to come look at my apartment to estimate its value.

so my g'ma comes over and wakes me up. as i'm unlocking the door, she's on the outside with a key to my apartment trying to unlock it as well.

what if i was naked? or in the shower? i DID have underwear laying on the floor!!! i've actually dead-bolted my door before b/c my g'ma will just come over and unlock my door. and it actually worked for me one time b/c i was getting out of the shower and my g'ma was banging on my door yelling "let me in! ERIC! OPEN YOUR DOOR!" and all she wanted was to tell me what time to go to my mom's house for dinner.

but that's another tangent, back to my original rant...

she asked if it was ok if the appraiser took a look at my apartment. since i had just woken up, and the guy is in my doorway, i just said "yes."

then i remembered that millie is sick. and diarrheaed everywhere again last night. EVERYWHERE!

i'm starring at a pile of puke on my computer wires right now.

sheesh... another pile. they just keep popping up! i need to get MORE carpet cleaner b/c i ran out!!!

and now my g'ma is standing here trying to tell me how to take care of my dog and asking me if i want paper towels after i just told her i have 4 EXTRA rolls under my sink!

cripes, i'm so aggravated right now!!! i think i was more annoyed than embarrassed. i was a little embarrassed b/c after he left i just buried my face in a pillow and sat there for a minute.

but now it's just got me angry.

my g'ma keeps telling me all i need to do is take my dog to the vet and they will give her a shot or a pill and she'll be aaaaaaaaaaall better!

ahh yes, g'ma, in your fantasy world, doctors can work magic and cure anything with a syringe and a prescription. but alas, in the real world, they're going to give me a bill for a hundred dollars and tell me to make sure she drinks plenty of water.

i could have told myself that.

did i mention how much i'm realizing what it takes to be a parent???

i will NEVER offer any parenting advice to ANYONE after this debacle...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

i totally ripped this off dave crow's livejournal...

iPod flea

it was all over

i never thought i'd wake up to that smell again. when i was a little kid, one of the dogs came into my room in the middle of the night and crapped EVERYWHERE. that was the first time i had been woken up by scent.

i thought it would be the last.

but last night became the second time. and that's not even the beginning of the story...

two nights ago, i was falling asleep on the couch, and i heard my dog heaving on the floor at the opposite end of the couch. i didn't get up. she's a dog, so it's not like she needs me to hold her ears back. plus, to be completely/disgustingly honest, i secretly hoped she would just lick it up after she puked anyway and i wouldn't have to clean it.

so i ended up falling asleep on the couch that night. and in the morning, i walked into my bedroom and found a small puddle of diarrhea on the floor at the foot of my bed. kinda gross, but no biggie. my dog's housetrained, but i know i've cut it close with the hershy squirts before, so i wasn't angry.

until i turned around to walk into the bathroom.

when i say "puddle of diarrhea," i mean it literally. a puddle.

i don't have a mop, just a swiffer wet jet. it took two pads to clean the floor. i didn't realize it at the time, but i should have been thankful the huge puddle was on the linoleum floor.

and that brings us to last night.

i went to bed around 1:30 and by 4:30 i was back on the couch. here's how...

a funny sound woke me up. but i didn't think anything of it. just fell back asleep. until about 2 minutes later. that's when the smell hit my olfactory bulbs like a ton of manure. i tried to ignore it until morning, but i couldn't. i got up to see what the stench was. she almost made it to the bathroom floor again. but only almost.

since i was hardly able to keep my eyes open (this is so gross and just shows how nasty boys can be), i grabbed my sleeping back, shut my bedroom door (to block the smell), and slept on my couch.

problem temporarily solved, right?


that little dog was up all night puking. i woke up several times to he heaving on the floor across the room.

so, total score for two nights ago: one spot of dog vomit, one large spot of doggy diarrhea on carpet, and one HUGE puddle of it on linoleum.

total score for last night: 3 large spots of doggy diarrhea on carpet, and 3 large spots of chunky dog vomit

i can't wait to see what tonight will be like!!!

one thing i learned from this experience... i am NOT ready for parenthood. for all you parents out there, i admire you and your ability to hold back gags when dealing with bodily matter.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

this is a rant against the corporation

wal-mart ruined Christmas this year.

there were three different moives/dvds i wanted this year. and wal-mart didn't have any of them.

i went to wal-mart three times in one day. twice to the same one. the third time i went for work, so that doesn't really count, but still... that's three more times than i'd like to be in there a day.

maybe it's just pekin. but i had to go all the way to best buy in peoria to find the movies i wanted. and one of them i didn't end up having time to get b/c i had to leave pekin.

here are two solutions. and probably both of them are things that need to happen.

1. move to peoria. (this is my favorite choice)
2. pekin gets a best buy.
or maybe a third... WAL-MART SHOULDN'T SUCK!

they have a movie for a while, then it might make it to their end cap, or maybe their aisle blockers for $7.50. or, sometimes, just maybe, they'll be up by the check-outs.

it's chaos, and i don't like it.