sinners helping sinners pt. ii
the second part to this post is an off-chute of the previous post.
i have a hard time sometimes with convincing myself of being effective. i'm just some dude. i know like a hundred people in a world of a few billion.
to make matters worse, i'm a crappy person. i've smoked cigarettes, i've smoked weed, i've been drunk more times than i can remember, i've been sexually active before marriage, i've lied, i've cheated, i've deceived people i love, i've broken i don't know how many commandments, i'm undisciplined, i slack off at work, i'll stop here.
and God has called me to make an impact somehow? how can a drowning lifeguard save another swimmer? how can i tell someone of redemption when i don't feel redeemed?
if i'm going to be a bum, i really want to be the homeless guy telling the others where to get the soup.
i have a hard time sometimes with convincing myself of being effective. i'm just some dude. i know like a hundred people in a world of a few billion.
to make matters worse, i'm a crappy person. i've smoked cigarettes, i've smoked weed, i've been drunk more times than i can remember, i've been sexually active before marriage, i've lied, i've cheated, i've deceived people i love, i've broken i don't know how many commandments, i'm undisciplined, i slack off at work, i'll stop here.
and God has called me to make an impact somehow? how can a drowning lifeguard save another swimmer? how can i tell someone of redemption when i don't feel redeemed?
if i'm going to be a bum, i really want to be the homeless guy telling the others where to get the soup.
This is why I love the story of David in the Bible. He lied, slept with another guys wife and then had the guy murdered, screwed up his kids and lots of other horrible things, yet God still called David "a man after my own heart."
Holly told me this a while ago and it stuck with me- God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called. If God has called you to serve He will give you the skills and the heart you need.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 05, 2006 2:53 PM
and this is why i love dave
Posted by
erichapman |
October 05, 2006 4:06 PM
and this is why dave & megan need to move back to pekin/peoria:
so the four of us can start a church!!
YEAH!!! :)
and give out "soup" to bums like us. cause, we're all bums, really.
ah! did this post work? I'm not that cool, and I'm not sure how to blog. Let my know?
and on that note: maybe before we start a church, i can get a mac. That way I can be up on all the technological things. And be able contribute more than just with cupcakes.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 06, 2006 12:17 PM