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to protect and serve

i just got back from our session with josh and robbyn from breuer photography.

it was pretty cool, man. they’re like our age and have a good sense of design. if i wanted to be a photographer, i would look to them for mentors.

anyway, i rode my sportster to the dog park in pekin, and sarah drove my truck with our bikes in the back and millie in the front.

the session was about 45 minutes long, and i pushed my harley out onto the grass about 10 feet from the parking lot. we got some cool pictures, then some cool pictures on the bicycles.

as josh and robbyn are putting their equipment away, a pekin park district officer turns into the dog park, totally bypassing the parking lot, and fording a small but steep hill to drive all the way around the end of the parking lot where my bike was and turn around on the grass and pull up behind my bike.

i finished putting the bike in the back of my truck and walked over towards the bike and the officer now parked behind it.

he rolled his window down and aimed the camera at me. i asked him if there was a problem, and he answered me with a gruff, “is that your harley?

yes, he answered my question with a question.

i told him it was, and that we were just getting our engagement pictures taken. he told me to get my bike off the grass before he gave me a ticket. and to read the sign, that i can’t go past a certain point.

according to the sign, i wasn’t past the point. i was still behind it, just not on the gravel parking lot.

i declined to point this fact out to the officer since we had already finished our session.

this was one of those times where i believe i had every right to say, “look, no need to be rude, we’re just getting pictures taken. i don’t want to split hairs, but we’re not technically past that point, so we’re not doing anything wrong.”

let me tell you, it was hard to bite my tongue. but i swear if that guy had ruined our photo shoot, i might have had a few more words to say.

so instead of getting arrested today for slander, assaulting an officer, illegally parking, and who knows what else, i’m blogging about it.

coming up next…

blogging off steam.