i watched this and realized that when i bought a microwave, it's b/c i "needed" a microwave. i think i even put it on a credit card.
two stupid decisions. from now on, i think i'll plan more than an hour into my day so i can eat a baked potato and not use witchcraft.
this kind of goes along with something i've been thinking about lately.
last time i was at "big church," we had communion. then i went to mcdonald's.
how can i be taking in something representing the body of christ and his blood one minute, and then scarfing down the mcrib the next??? it really got me thinking about what sort of foods i take in. i don't want to mix my jesusflesh with rib sauce anymore.
i got a new claim yesterday where this lady alleges someone wiped "stool" on her daughter's McRib. enjoy.
Posted by
JGanschow |
November 21, 2006 3:48 PM