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3 things

if you've spent any amount of time in church, you've most likely heard a repeat somewhere along the way. it's inevitable. it's gonna happen eventually. i mean... there's only so much bible out there. not like we can go along making up new verses.

but there are three common themes i keep hearing. they seem to stick out to me.

1. forgiveness
2. obedience
3. grace

they're all related, and here's how i see them intermingling.

one and two kind of don't go together.

i mean, if you're obedient, why do you need forgiveness? that just doesn't make sense. God wants us to be obedient, then fine. we should do what we're told. obedience.

but we don't do what we're told. we know the rules, but we break them all the time. sometimes we're just angry and quit caring. sometimes we give into temptation. sometimes we just totally ignore the rules to do what we want.

so why do we keep getting forgiven? i hear it all the time, "confess your sins and you will be forgiven."

i guess we need to keep hearing this b/c we keep messing up. we keep breaking the rules.

but we also keep getting forgiven.

but why???

b/c of number 3.


and like a nerd, i'm going to quote Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

"What Grace is given me, let it pass to him. Let him be spared. Save him."

i always liked that line, and knowing that i am disobedient, but i'm forgiven, this shows me what grace is. grace is a life-saving device.

it's there for when we need forgiveness even when we're undeserving.