har dee har hardee's

i've told this story about a hundred times since it happened to me on thursday.
i should just post it, print it, and never have to tell this story again.
i had a craving for a hardee's hand-dipped cookie's and cream shake. delicious in my belly.
i wasn't too hungry, but it was lunch time, so i thought i'd just get a roast beef sandwich. slightly healthy for fast food, and that's what i wanted. that's exactly what i wanted.
so i got to the drive-through and started off my order, "can i get a roast beef and..."
i had been cut off.
gut shot. that's how i describe it.
in that split second that it took for that guy to piss me off, i was confused as to why i was even angry.
not the point. the point is he was rude. and i didn't like it.
i said the first thing that came to mind.
and i turn my steering wheel to leave the drive-through.
that's when i hear, "YOU'RE WELCOME, THANK YOU!"
so, like the mature man i've grown into over 24 years, i smashed the gas and got out of there in a hurry.
here is a small list of things that lead up to my anger:
1. they didn't have the sandwich i wanted
2. the guy was rude
3. i never ended up getting my milk shake that was the whole purpose of going to hardee's!
then i got about a half a mile away and i had to add something to my list.
4. i thought of a good line (good, although extremely mean and unloving) that i could have used
it was this; "you've been working at hardee's for over two and a half years?"
that would have been my one line before i left the drive-through that would have made me feel better (and made for a different conversation with the man in the radio and consequently, a better story).
now, i know i shouldn't think of him in a negative way (the guy's a loser) for working at hardee's. i worked at a mcdonald's (for a few months in high school).
yeah, the old argument comes into play, "at least he's got a job!"
that's what i tell myself when i see the lady in her 40's delivering papers in my mom's neighborhood.
i guess i justify my negativity by this...
with an attitude like that, it's no wonder he's worked at hardee's "for over two and a half years."
If you WOULD have said that, you would be my idol forever....unreal awesome stuff there!!
Posted by
Chris |
April 25, 2006 2:24 AM
ok, i just think its hilarious that the dude said "your welcome, thank you."
Posted by
swishthedish |
May 05, 2006 11:28 PM
you would handle my job very well. want it?!
Posted by
JGanschow |
May 08, 2006 4:56 PM