
did you notice my post a few back that was really short and just said i was going to see rob bell?
well, i did.
and here's what i thought of it.
first off, chicago's insane. (that's a whole 'nother post inandofitself)
it totally isn't what you'd think a pastor's tour would be.
there was a full bar. (mr. bell told us we'd need to visit the bar to wrap our brains around one thought he shared with us.)
he had a full stage's width of a whitboard. and he filled it all.
he made a joke about cats being evil.
and he learned us some physics, and most of it on a sub-atomic level.
there was so much good info that they'll need to come out with a cd or dvd.
i also got interviewed by someone at the new york times. i told him i hated the news and that we'd all be better off watching a horror flick instead of the nightly news.
ok, now to post about how crazy chicago is...
p.s. i totally ripped that picture off dave crow's livejournal.