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make giving fair

after that last post, i came across this in my rss feed.

again, i don't think i need to say much more than what it already said.

but i have been thinking a lot lately about where my money goes. especially planning the honeymoon. it's seriously expensive to fly to australia. everybody's saying that we should take it if we can b/c "when else will you get to do something like that???"

well, when else will we be able to feed a whole village for a month with one monetary gift?

sarah was thinking about giving donations to things instead of giving party favors at the reception.
cool idea except some people might actually want something in their hands... right now i'm thinking... "too bad."
sarah even went as far to say that she was thinking about asking everyone to spend the money the would be using for a gift and just donating to something in our name and giving us a card with what you donated to.

good idea except... we need stuff. and i don't think some people would want to do that.

those are two crappy excuses, so we might still end up asking that.

but i swear, if you give us a toaster, or a ton of towels, you'll get pictures in the mail of us returning that stuff.

and then a card of a donation in your name to a charity.

for the price of a toaster.

all this to say... i quit tithing to church. xxxchurch has an online donation feature, and it took under two minutes. and i'm completely on-board with what they do. there aren't too many places you can give money to where you can say that.

it's a consumer's world out there.
and there's no better way to make your money count than to give it all away.
