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horses find me scary

this weekend i got to go bike riding again. finally.

not motorbike... mountain bike. i used to go all the time when i was on first shift, and now i just don't for some reason... i'll just file that under laziness.

i got a little lost in jubilee. i've never been there before and i thought 2 hours would be enough to get lost and find my way again.

that was cutting it close.

the funniest thing was that there were horses out and i spooked them.

there was a dip in the trail and i came up on some horses so i slowed down. but when i was going down the dip, they were on their way up and i hit some water and then hit my brakes.

ever heard wet brakes on a bicycle? it's like a squealing honk.

apparently that REALLY scares horses, cuz they neighed, reared back, and took off.

the two girls that were riding them started yelling "whoa!" but they still ran about 20 yards.

that last thing i heard was a girl yell, "MY HAT!" and that was it.

i thought i'd round the corner and find two bodies with broken necks on the ground.

they weren't. the two horses were facing me and when i came around the corner with one cowboy hat in my hand, the horses freaked and took off AGAIN! luckily they turned around and ran away from me.

so the next time i approached the horses i laid my bike down around the corner and walked up to the riders with one of their hats in my hand i asked, "does the bike scare the horses?" the one girl said, "yeah, they're not used to them." the other girl just gave me the stink eye.

i appologized and the hatless one said it was ok. i told them i'd just go back, but that's when the stink eye girl spoke up and said, "no, you don't have to, you can just wait there for a while." so that's what i did.

i made it up to the horse camp as they were hitching their horses and they kind of freaked a little bit again... but not too bad.

that's when i noticed the other horses around. none of them were spooked by my bicycle. but at one camp site there was a motorcycle.

so, apparently my pedal bike is MUCH scarier than a big v-twin.

stupid horses.