buried treasure

if you know me at all, you probably know i'd like to be considered an outdoorsman. i love being in God's creation. biking, canoing, motorcycling, fourwheeling, hiking, camping... the list goes on and on.
i really like 4WD trucks/suvs, too. so at any magazine rack, i always check out their selection of off-road rags.
i happened to buy one at wal-mart this week called 4 wheel drive & sport utility magazine.
(sorry... no hyperlinking on safari for blogger... stupid pc world.)
this magazine is pretty cool... they mostly have jeeps and toyotas. and i'm gaining some respect for the toyota crowd lately... especially their old-school wheelers.
anyway... this magazine has a section called "geostash" where they hide a laser cut steel plate with their logo on it (see photo).
then, they sneak in the latitude/longitude location of one of these steel plates in each
i just happened to find the western one in the middle of contact information (i think it was a phone number...) and thought that it was weird, but that it was just a misprint.
then i read about this contest.
so i spent an hour pouring over the first 25 pages of this magazine and found the northern location of one of the final steel plates.
it was hidden in a screen capture of one of their on-line forums.
the location...
115 degrees 59.231 west
36 degrees 24.958 north
the problem...
it's in nevada a few miles south of las vegas. (see second photo.)
google maps said it was a 1 day and 4 hour trip. one thousand, seven hundred one miles away.
oh well... they only give away four-wheel drive prizes anyway... my truck only spins the back tires!
...but still, if anyone wants to take a seat of the pants road trip, let me know. seriously... this would be awesome. i'd have to take my bicycle to the remote location of this thing...
i just remembered something...
PHIL CROW: IF YOU ARE READING THIS, AND CAN STILL FLY FOR FREE, CALL ME. WE NEED TO WIN SOME FREE STUFF. or, just fly there yourself and get the laser cut piece...
at any rate, i think this is such a good idea, i hope more magazines do stuff like this.
and hopefully there are some prizes in illinois this time!
It's not even buried.
PS-John Smith got PISSED at work tonight because of Hammer and I. I will tell you later.
Posted by
Anonymous |
August 09, 2006 4:11 AM