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center of the universe

there's something that rob bell said when i saw him in chicago that keeps coming back to me.

it was about the size of everything.

scientists have calculated the largest item in the universe to be about 10 to the 27th power (he didn't mention what unit i.e. cubic inches, cubic feet, etc.)

and these same scientists have calculated the smallest thing to be about 10 to the negative 26th power.

so we've got this...

10 to the -26th<-------->10 to the 27th

the REALLY significant figure in this is where humans fall into this range.

we're right at about 1

so that changes the diagram to look like this...

10 to the -26<----humans---->10 to the 27th.

we're right in the middle.

making us, humans, the center of the universe.

so that means all these people that were proved wrong by newton way back when might have been more right than we realize.

people used to say the earth was the center of the universe and the sun (and every other star) rotates around us. and if you said any different, you were a heretic and could be punished.

newton proved (but kept it relatively quiet) through mathematic equations that we are actually in a rotation around the sun.

that would mean we AREN'T what the universe is rotating around... even though we now might be the exact middle of it.

That's something that stuck with me as well. And I believe he was talking in meters- not that it really matters.

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